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5 reasons why you should consider switching to electric vehicle

 switching to electric vehicle

While the global pandemic has completely shaken the world in many ways, the lockdowns in many countries originally intended to contain the spread of Covid-19, also allowed Mother Nature to reclaim the environment. The skies cleared up due to a significant drop in the CO2 emitted from the transport vehicles. Perhaps this could be the reason for a recent surge in the demand for electric vehicles. The fact that tech giants like Huawei, DJI and Xiaomi are also stepping into electric vehicle manufacturing, means that the electrified transportation is only becoming inevitable.

Considering, a lot of you might be torn between deciding whether or not to make the big switch, in this blog, we are going to explore the top reasons for you to buy an electric vehicle.

The cost factor

1. The cost factor

Unless you have multiple Swiss bank accounts and roam around in a limousine with a chauffeur, chances are you are going to want to evaluate the cost factor. Contrary to what one might believe, the cost of ownership is not limited to the initial purchase price, it also includes;

Insurance costs

Servicing & Maintenance

Mileage costs

Despite their amazing tech and features, the electric cars still came out on top in a cost comparison by the Guardian between the electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles. Moreover, the governments that are encouraging the electric vehicles industry, are giving manufacturers major tax cuts so they may sell their vehicles at lower prices in order to benefit the end consumers.

Comfort and smooth driving

2. Comfort and smooth driving

Another key decision-making factor while purchasing a car is its comfort and driving experience. Good thing that electric vehicles are incredibly quiet, spacious and easy to maneuver due to the fact that they don’t have loud engines that can make all sorts of ridiculous noises, not to mention they also take up a significant space in the car. Instead, electrical vehicles only rely on two main components i.e. motors and batteries that are mounted on the floor of the car making it a lot more stable and easy to handle.

The only noise you are going to hear inside the car while driving is of car tyres and wind on the highways. You can deal with that too by installing noise reduction tyres by Continental. In fact, electric vehicles are so quiet that some manufacturers are actually adding sound generators in them to make the drivers and the pedestrians aware of the vehicle’s movement.

Eco friendly technology

3. Eco friendly technology

Let’s talk about the real reason why the world is now rooting for electric vehicles. We have all seen old rusty vehicles blasting thick black smoke from their exhaust which is not just harmful for the environment but also for those living or working in the immediate surroundings. The truth is, even when you can’t see it, internal combustion engines are responsible for huge amounts of carbon emissions around the world.

With electric vehicles you won’t have to worry about any of that since they offer zero carbon emission when on the road. Now, one might argue that electric vehicles don’t exactly run on water, they also need electricity to charge which is largely being produced by coal and gas so you are still contributing to environmental pollution right? Wrong! Firstly, a lot of countries have already increased their reliance on clean renewable energy and those that aren’t doing so now have plans to switch to renewable energy in the near future.

A Bloomberg report has indicated that even in the current state, electricity powered vehicles have 40% lower carbon emission as compared to the internal combustion engines.

Low maintenance

4. Low maintenance

Unlike the fuel cars, electric vehicles don’t need engine oil every 5 to 10,000 miles and since these vehicles have a fairly simple mechanism, they don’t have a bunch of engine parts that need replacement every now and then so, you can also save big on the maintenance costs.

Convenience of charging

5. Convenience of charging 

When was the last time you were running late from work, but you had to stop on the way to fuel up your car and you wished you didn’t have to do that? Being able to charge your vehicle at your convenience is another upside electric vehicles have to offer. All you need to do is plug in your car at night which doesn’t take more than a few seconds and wake up to a fully charged car that you may drive for several days within the city. 

While combustion engines are not going anywhere any time soon, the future belongs to electric vehicles and the sooner we embrace this reality, the better it is for ourselves and the environment.